We are
Analytical Medical Insight

What We Do

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About AMI

We are an award winning Medical Insight Company based in Ireland.

Meeting Date Time

Until now there has been no single ‘go to’ place where all clinical meetings are listed. Now there is. Browse meetings, see who else is attending or has declined. Send messages to the meeting host and request post meeting documentation/certificates if required. All meetings, one place. MDT.

Gorilla Survey

Gorilla Survey provides anonymised prescribing insight directly from healthcare providers.We build engaging clinical insight surveys. With a panel of over 1,000 active clinicians we have rapidly become the largest primary care survey provider in Ireland. Our panel has now also expanded into Secondary care. Gain feedback on brand awareness, perceived benefits of your product and the effectiveness of advertising & promotional campaigns

"Where is the wisdom we have lost in knowledge?
Where is the knowledge we have lost in information?"

― T.S. Eliot


Our Products

Browse our featured products below.

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